Saturday, June 26, 2010


Isn't it amazing how children from the same family
are so different?
Same mom and dad, but different personalities and temperament.
For example...

My son,
He is a cautious kid.
He makes sure he is 100% confident before he does something new.
At eleven months old, he would cruise around the furniture, walk behind the walking toys,
but had no interest in actually walking by himself until 14 months.
But at 14 months old, when he was confident that he could walk, he walked.
Not one or two steps, he was walking across the room and no return to crawling.

Today at his last day of swimming lessons, my son decided that he could jump off the diving board without a life jacket.

There wasn't any hesitation.
He had purpose, determination and knowledge that he could do it.
He was confident that he could swim to the side of the pool.

But my daughter...

She's the adventurous one.
Willing to take chances.
At times not even considering the consequences.
She was in the same class/level as her brother.
She had no fear of the water and was willing to try all the skills her teachers were demonstrating.
Due to this she excelled.
She was one skill from passing to level 3. The teachers noted that if she practices her back stroke this summer she could take level 3 next summer.
With my daughter's willingness to try and practice, my kids will probably be in the same swim class once again.

Here's my girl doing a twist off the board:

I'm proud of both of them.
Both for their individual accomplishments.


Beth Eaton said...

Adorable!! The one of your daughter standing in the water is too cute!!

Marathon Mom said...

Good for them!