Ten on Tuesday
1. Yesterday my daughter did not have school and I did not work, so I had high hopes of good old mother daughter time. My plan was to drive into Lawrence and go to Hancock Fabric. I thought since I was successful with sewing some of my daughter's new bedding accessories I could attempt an American girl-big girl nightgown set.
2. Somewhere in my hopes of a great time with my daughter, I forgot that she was vastly different than me.
3. I like to be efficient; I'm a quick shopper. My daughter likes to take her time, a long time.
She and I have different tastes in clothes. Turns out what my thought of a 30 minute shopping adventure in Hancock Fabric took an hour and 30 minutes. We could not agree on anything, from patterns to fabric. I'm sure this is foreshadowing of what is to come since she is only 5.
4. She compromised on the pattern and I compromised on the fabric. Actually, I said no to many fabric options like see through sheer with sequence.
5. I left the store exhausted.
6. When we came home, we began our little project and started cutting the patterns out of the fabric. I began to panic. I haven't made an outfit from a pattern in years, like 20 years. I did not know how these cut pieces were going to assemble together. I decided to stop before I became a raging lunatic before my daughter and decided to attempt it at night. At night it would be me, the fabric and my sewing machine.
7. Well I can say that the American girl doll nightgown is done! Yay! I like it, and best of all my daughter likes it. I think my daughter's choice of fabric turned out great!
8. Now to make my daughter's look-a-like gown.
9. I'm not the only one who has been crafting around the house. My daughter began assembly her bird house last week. My son then decided to make his own. Can you guess who is whose?
9b. My girl wants to set her bird house in the tree in our front yard. We just might do that.
9c. Yes, you did notice real nails. My kids like to hammer. They have their own tool box with a hammer. My daughter has a pink one. They are well supervised :)
10. I can't wait until my daughter's room is complete. My husband has the floor to do and then paint the walls. I've been working on her bedding and storage. Here's a little peek.