Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. Summer break is in full force here at the Klamm household.

2. We just returned from the free movies at the Legends. Despicable Me is quite entertaining.

3. My goals this summer is to read more, my kids and I, have friends over weekly, and spend a majority of our time near water.

4. So far our goals are being met. We've been to the pool three times so far and water play in our backyard is quite a hit.

5. My son had a Mario birthday party on Sunday. I can't believe he is 8. It seems like the parties get easier and easier.

6. His gift from us was a trampoline. It's pretty much a family gift. We all have used it, and I plan on practicing my gymnastics on it :) I guess adult gymnastics is the latest trend. Take a look
here. My goal is to be able to do a back handspring at age 40+. Unfortunately that is not that far away.

7. To my neighbors: I apologize. It was my kids laughing and screaming at 7:30 this morning on our new trampoline.

8. My husband bought me a new bike so our family can ride together. I think I will need to invest in a special seat. My tush has not been the same since last Friday afternoon's ride.

9. I stubbed my baby toe yesterday. It still hurts and is discoloring. I'm wondering if I fractured it. I hope not since I made fun of my brother-n-law a while back for breaking his toe and using crutches.

10. Here are some fun pictures of Mario look-a-likes. 2 are my favorites, and they are not of my son.


kjl said...

I have like 10 comments on your 10 things! First, I'm jealous of your new bike...I've been talking about getting one too! I also thing adult gymnastics sounds like a blast--if only my back could take it! Oh, and finally I once stubbed my pinky toe and fractured it, and it hurt for years and years afterwards! I feel for you!