Friday, January 22, 2010

Boo boo head

This is one of many names my children have been calling each other that end with "head."

I sat down with them one afternoon to discuss

eliminating name calling from their daily activities.

I began by stating that calling each other names is not nice and hurtful.

My son with a tear in his eye, exclaimed "but you call us names."

Horrified, I asked what name I had called him and my son replied, "sweetie."

Sweetie, huh. My son doesn't like me calling him sweetie.
Deep Sigh.
Yesterday out of nowhere my daughter exclaimed,
"You can call me sunshine."
Sunshine it is.
She is my morning dose of sunshine.

Kudos to the home school moms out there.
I don't know how you do it.
Trying to show my little sunshine the correct way of writing letters is an impossible task.
Her way is the best way.
And getting my son to stay on task with his weekly math homework is killer.


Katharine said...

Cute story, and cute pix, too, of course!