Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Jayhawk Nostalgia

Picture by Nick Krug from

I'm a Kansas Jayhawk's basketball fan.

In college I was extreme.

I went to almost every game.

I would sit for hours waiting to get in, or better yet,

I would sit by some nice guy who sat for hours to get in.

I wore the Jayhawk tattoo on my cheek during the games.

I was thrown up during the Jayhawk cheer, before it got banned.

If the game was close near the end, I would close my eyes until I would hear cheers.

One of the games in the early 90's when we played Indiana, I nearly passed out for screaming so loud after Jacque Vaughn hit a three point shot winning the game.

yeah... that was me.

So yesterday when a friend of mine ask me if I wanted to go to last night's KU game,

I was on it!

Called my hubby, called the baby sitter.

Bam. I was going.


The last time I went to a KU game was after my daughter was born.

During the scoreboard introduction, I cried.

Yes, cried. Yes, I cry a lot since having kids, but during the intro to the start of the game?

Having kids, I forgot a piece of me.

I piece of me that loved sports, loved KU basketball.

It brought me to tears, because I remembered. I liked that part of me.

Last night I didn't cry, I had a lump in my throat during the introduction,

but I didn't cry. The intro is that good.

The game was great. I enjoyed it with some wonderful gals.

I love KU basketball.

I'm not the fanatic, like I once was.

I'm okay with that.


kjl said...

Even after seeing the intro live about 5 times in the last couple of years, I still get goosebumps and teary-eyed. It's awesome. So glad you got to go to the game!

Marathon Mom said...

I have a confession to make. I got teary-eyed too. And felt silly. But now I feel better knowing I'm not the only one.:)

Jen said...

Affirmation. I love it so. I'm not the only one who got teary-eyed.

kreed said...

Although I must admit I don't love sports enough to get teary eyed during the intro, I did get teary during the last live theater performance I is so awesome to reconnect with those little pieces of our former selves that have been buried away. So make sure you go to many more KU games and get teary eyed at every single one! :)