Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Ten on Thursday
1. So I totally missed Ten on Tuesday. It was a very busy day. I had only spent one hour at home from 8:30am to 8:30 pm. How did that happen? Needless to say the blog was neglected.
2. This week our schedule feels somewhat back to normal. We had three snow days two weeks ago and last week had one snow day plus Monday off due to Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.
3. Before the snow hit last Wednesday, my girlfriend, her daughter, my girl and I drove to the American Girl Store in KC. My girl and her friend had received an American Girl doll for their birthdays. We thought it would be fun for our girls to spend some time at the store with their new dolls.
4. I never thought I would buy an American Girl doll for the my girl, let alone enjoy the American Girl doll experience but I did.
5. My girl enjoyed it even more. She was skipping from one display to another. It was like she was in little girl heaven. Here is a picture of her and her doll Laney.
6. My girl was a bit overwhelmed with all the choices of clothing for Laney. She had a hard time choosing, but ended up with the outfit above.
7. Later that night after the snow had bombed the earth with its white stuff, my girl showed me Laney's new scarf that had unraveled. I was disappointed since American Girl prices are not cheap to have something unravel within the day of purchasing the product. I ended up calling the returns dept. They asked if I could just return it to the store for an exchange. When I stated that I lived 40 minutes from the store and that it was snowing, she asked for information on the receipt. We received a new scarf set in the mail within two days. They stated to give the used set to someone else. I am totally sold on American Girl now!
8. When I picked up my girl from preschool yesterday, she exclaimed, " I am so excited." When I asked why, she replied, "I get to buy Laney her headband today." My girl had been saving her money to buy a headband at a store where my son takes piano lessons. He has piano lessons every Wednesday afternoon. The past two Wednesdays have been canceled due to the snow. My girl literally had been waiting 3 weeks to buy this headband:
9. I just received my new Iphone cover. I bought it from Cafe press.
10. I like it and my husband likes his too.
Posted by Jen at 10:17 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. There has been a lot of riding the plasma car around the house, lately. I think everyone is getting a little stir crazy from the winter weather.
2. My kids even made stop signs for the cars and people.
Translation: "Stop. Count to three seconds, then go. For cars."
3. My kids are coming up with so many creations. A flying boxed garage for my girl's dog and below is a closet for my girl's American girl doll. Though I think it is quite creative, I am hoping to find a nice wood one that won't break the bank. $25.00 would be great.
4. My girl has also been making some valentines. Creations were inspired from Here's a few:
5. This past weekend we traveled to Oklahoma to see my nephew earn his Eagle scout award. What an accomplishment!
6. I feel like I have scored on Monday nights. I enrolled my kids in Lawrence Gymnastic Academy. Both my kids' classes are at the same time, each with a friend in their class. Additional bonus, I have a sweet friend to talk with during this time. We love it!
7. I mentioned last Tuesday that I have been reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I'm at chapter nine. The book has reaffirmed what has been brewing in my heart for some time. I don't know exactly where God is leading, but I want to follow.
8. One question that kept coming to my mind while reading the book is 'If the church wholeheartedly loved God and took care of the poor, afflicted and needy as He has requested, would there be a need for as many government programs?'
9. Which led to this question, "How can I be a changing agent to help the poor, afflicted and needy."
10. Big questions, but I am ready to be used.
My girl thinks it should be summer. She asked if we could go swimming. When I replied that we may be able to go to an indoor pool again, she stated, "No an outdoor pool." We have snow on the ground. I don't think that is going to happen any time soon.
Posted by Jen at 11:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ten on Tuesday
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I've been playing around with textures.
Depending on the pictures, I prefer the SOOC (straight out of the camera) shot better than the
one with textures added.

What's your preference?
Posted by Jen at 7:59 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. This is day two of snow day/no school. Yesterday was actually fun. The day went something like this. Bundle the kids to play outside, snow ball fights, snow angels, come inside, drink hot chocolate, kids watch tv, I do laundry, bundle the kids to play outside, snow ball fights, snow angels, come inside, drink hot chocolate, kids watch tv, I do laundry, repeat, repeat, repeat.
2. Day two of no school will hopefully be a little more productive. Meaning, the kids are going to be doing some major cleaning.
3. I'm trying to get back into P90X, exercise program. I did some again yesterday and, I am feeling it today!
4. For Christmas we gave our kids a plasma car. I was little worried about giving it to them since they had not asked for one. My son is on it all the time. I hear the hum of the car as a type. I need to take pics.
5. Before the snow fall, I was in a rut. I don't know if it was seasonal affective thing going on, but I bought some flowers. Flowers remind me of spring. Spring reminds me of hope. Hope is a good thing.
6. Here is a picture of the flowers. I plan on posting some more pics later this week. I've been playing around with textures.
7. I have begun reading the book, Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. So far, so good.
8. I just reread my 1-7. It just sounds so blah, blah, blah. I guess I am still am in a rut. Spring come, come quickly.
9- 10. I think I am going to go straight to ten. Here's some pictures of my daughter in the snow yesterday. This girl makes me laugh. She is just plain silly some times.
Posted by Jen at 7:31 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 10, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Photoshop magic
Sometimes pictures need a little photoshop magic.
Which is why I take a bazillion pictures when I am shooting little kids.
Prime proof, here are my kids....
The first picture, my son has a great, fun smile while my daughter has her eyes closed. The second picture, my son is giving me the "enough of the pictures" look while my daughter is striking the perfect pose.
Picture quandary? Well not if you have some photoshop magic.
Or maybe it's a windy day and the hair is blowing uncontrollable.
Poof the hair problem is gone.
Yeah, Photoshop. It's a good thing.
Posted by Jen at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 1, 2011
The winner of the 2010 favorite image contest is......
Drum roll please..........
The anticipation is killing me.......
Posted by Jen at 7:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: contest