Monday, April 18, 2011

I was reminded

I was reminded of how powerful a Christian heritage can be.
This reminder was seen during a 4 generation photo shoot I had yesterday.

I was reminded when the sweet girl showed me her Bible and talked about the story of Palm Sunday.

I was reminded when the aunt suggested that everyone sing "Jesus loves me," when a certain someone's mood turned sad.

I was reminded of conversation that I had about 3-4 years ago with the beautiful lady above.
We both were in the children's nursery loving on babies. I had recently been reacquainted with her daughter through MOPs, and I had started to read her daughter's and daughter-n-law's blogs. Both were filled with their statement of faith and walk with Christ. It made me wonder, 'how does one parent so that their children will love God forever.' So I asked this now grandmother of three how she did it. I was hoping for maybe a checklist of Godly parenting skills, but she humbly replied, "only by the grace of God." She did go on further and stated that during the challenging teenage years, her family was blessed with Godly mentors that walked the life journey with their teens.

Now their children are grown, and passing the Christian heritage to their little ones.

May God continue to bless your family. Lots of love to you. - Jen

I was reminded of this verse: "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6


Krista said...

ah...such a neat neat family!! I'm blessed to know a few of them :)

Anonymous said...

How true it is to see the results of God working in the lives of those you love. I have been blessed to be related to this family. Oh, and Jesus is the reason for this Easter season!! He died but arose again for everyone of us sinners. By Grace we can accept His gift for a Savior. Happy Easter. Thanks for sharing the pictures.